Genre of Our Film
Our film cannot be classed as one specific genre, but is a mix of 'coming of age’, comedy, romantic and serious drama. The serious narrative takes us into this dramatic genre as the subject of DID can by upsetting to some. You could say that our film offers a ‘comforting reassurance’ as the ending is quite happy, resolves the situation and ‘closes down the complexities of life’. There is a constant feel throughout the film that ‘May’ is going to completely humiliate herself by changing into one of her alter-egos, which is eventually resolved in the end.There would be a relationship with the audience, as everyone is able to sympathise with the main character, especially if they have had experience with multi-personality disorders before in their lifetime. Just like ‘squeaking’sounds are associated with horrors, sad and slow music will be used in our film to emphasise the dramatic and upsetting experiences that ‘May’ has had to go through. The audience’s expectations would be that ‘May’ recovers from her disorder or that some resolution is made between her and her parents. These things may well happen, and therefore this would equal pleasure for the audience. There are many dramatic twists, such as the relationship between‘May’ and her best friend which help to associate the genre as drama, along with other complications that may occur.
With the use of 'squeaking' sounds, would it not be more appropriate for a horror movie than a film which its main genre is Coming of Age?